Instructions you’ll hear while riding on a club run
“Car up” A car is behind the group and waiting to pass. Await instruction for your club
run Ride Captain on whether to go single file.
“Car down” A car is coming towards the group. Await instruction from your club run
Ride Captain on whether to go single file.
“Single out” Move into single file. If riding on the outside, drop behind the rider to your
“Hole” There’s a pothole or bad road surface that you should avoid. Some riders will
point down, to the left or right.
“Easy/Steady” Slow down, prepare to stop. Usually given on the approach to a junction.
Do not brake too heavily unless required.
“Gravel” There’s gravel or loose road surface, you should slow down and/or take care.
“Clear left” or “Clear right” There’s no traffic coming from the left(right) and it’s safe to
proceed. But NEVER rely solely on the instructions of others – you must always check
yourself whether it is clear to proceed.
“Change” Rider(s) at the front of the group come off the front according to the rotation
style of the group.
Riding style – Riding for Safety (rules of the road)
Riders should rotate frequently (Continental style), ride together and wait, or
slow, at top of hills.
Riders will conform to etiquette rules, and calling out or pointing to potholes, safe
consideration and practice and listen to the rider(s) in front and the Ride Captain
or Assistant.
Riders will ride as a tight group, 2 side by side, but will single-out when asked by
the Ride Captain or as demanded by road conditions.
On a hill, the Ride Captain can suggest that riders take it at their own pace for
training purposes, and meet at top and allow the slower riders to rest.
The group will ride at the pace of the slowest rider, regrouping at safe locations
after the top of hills etc and allowing all riders to recuperate and refuel where
Riders should advise the Ride Captain if they decide to leave the group for any
Riders may be asked to leave the group if poor riding standards persist, if they
consistently fail to follow the guidance of the Ride Captain, or their behavior or
riding style is considered unsafe to other members of the group or other road
If a rider has a puncture or mechanical problem, the group will wait nearby in a
safe location, unless the Ride Captain advises otherwise.
Riders should not go ahead of the pack and Ride Captain unless instructed to.
Headphones for phones or music are not permitted on SICC organized rides.
Etiquette rules for new riders:
As a minimum, the main ‘rules’ of riding should be:
Hold the wheel in front, at a safe distance and avoid braking sharply
Point to or call out potholes or other obstructions, communicate with the riders
Ride together as a group, and follow the rotation.
Advise if a rider is off the back or has a puncture, always look after the riders
behind you.
Do not weave, keep a constant parallel (do not half-wheel) and reasonably close
distance to adjacent rider.
Follow and pass on instructions from the group Ride Captain, communicate
within the group.
Bike must be in a roadworthy condition. Aerobars should not be used in group
riding. Riders should carry at least 2 spare tubes that fit your tyres and appropriate
tools including a puncture repair kit with tyre levers.
Guest members may ride with SICC for a maximum of 2 rides. After this they
should join the club or will not be allowed to continue to ride with SICC.