SICC Membership for 2025 runs until 31 December 2025.

This club is open to SHAPE ID card holders only who are over the age of 17 years.
Associate membership may be extended to non-SHAPE eligible persons, in purely recreational activities; the Committee will review and approve potential candidates for further administrative procedures. Such membership will at no time exceed 5% of the SICC’s overall membership.

 Annual subscriptions:
 > First family member – €100
 > Second family member – €70
 > Subsequent family members – €60

For new members, please complete the online form below and make a payment to the SICC bank account listed (remembering to include in the Payment Reference (Free Text): Membership: [Your Name]). The Membership Secretary will then apply for your FFBC membership, letting you know when your membership card arrives, our Treasurer will pay FFBC and our Kit Manager will contact you to arrange for the collection of your club jersey. Your membership will run until 31 December 2025.

For existing members, all you have to do is pay the annual subscription shown above and send an email to telling us whether you would like a new SICC jersey (let us know which size you would like), or you can receive a €37.60 voucher towards the next Kalas club kit order instead. Please remember to include ‘SICC MEMBERSHIP 2025’ in the Subject line of your email. The Membership Secretary will then apply for your FFBC membership, letting you know when your membership card arrives, our Treasurer will pay FFBC and our Kit Manager will contact you to arrange for the collection of your kit. Your membership will run until 31 December 2025. No form required.

Number will be used to add you to the SHAPE Cycling Rides Group – so you get up-to-date information about upcoming rides, changes and all the direct info about SICC – also a good place to find answers for any questions which may arise…
Important: By checking the box, you are indicating that you are content for SICC to maintain the information given above for as long as you are a SICC member and that you are content to share the information indicated with the Federation Francophone Belge du Cyclotourisme et du VTT (FFBC).
Annual subscription for the first member is €100, €70 for the second and €60 for any subsequent member of the same family. This includes a SICC club shirt, size to be specified above. Membership runs from the date of payment until 31 December 2025. Each member will be affiliated with the FFBC ( for insurance purposes. Bank details for payment of Membership Fees (€100, €70 or €60): Account Name: SHAPE INTERNATIONAL CYCLING CLUB IBAN: BE73 3632 2672 0160 BIC: BBRUBEBB Reference (Free Text): Membership: [Your Name]